Tarot Cards

I first became interested in spirituality and mediumship in the 1980's when I lived in Majorca, Spain. A musician friend of mine, Ronnie Martin, introduced me to his friend, psychic Robin Stevens, and suggested Robin do a reading for me. 

I was totally blown away with Robin's reading. I immediately went from total sceptic to a fully fledged believer.

My interest in the psychic world continued to grow over the years, and in the early 2000's I visited Cassadaga, an ancient Native American Indian burial ground in Florida, USA which has since developed in to a full-blown spiritualist town. 

It was around this time that another friend of mine handed me a deck of Tarot cards and asked me to try and read them, but I just couldn't gel with Tarot at that particular time as I was more focused on developing other mediumship type skills. 

Years later, and completely out of the blue, I found myself sitting at home alone, messing around with a deck of regular playing cards which a family member had left on the coffee table. I have no idea what prompted me, but I started to lay the cards out in front of me and discovered that I could see a "story" forming in front of my eyes. It was incredible, there were no pictures on the cards, just a standard 52 pack of regular playing cards, yet I could "read" them! 

I did a little research and discovered that standard playing cards had long been used for divination before Tarot came along. In fact playing cards are thought to have appeared in Europe in the 1400's, some 200 years before Tarot. 

Shortly afterwards I picked up a set of Tarot cards again. This time it was different. I could read them perfectly. Better still, Tarot has 78 cards so I found that the extra 22 cards in a Tarot deck (known as the Major Arcana) gave my readings more depth and clarity than the 52 cards of a regular deck of playing cards. 

I was hooked, and my interest and enthusiasm for Tarot just grew from that day on. 

I rarely go anywhere without a set of Tarot cards close to hand. I even keep a little miniature 'travel' pack in my pocket just in case someone asks for a reading.

While I have no idea where my ability to read cards came from and why it came to me so suddenly, I suspect that maybe it was just 'my time'. I definitely didn't set out to learn to read cards the day it happened - one minute I was sitting shuffling a pack of normal playing cards and the next minute, well, it was all just kinda there right in front of me. No one taught me to do it and I didn't read any books or take any lessons. It was all very surreal. 

Some psychic friends of mine have suggested that my abilities may be connected to me being a musician. Musicians tend to be creative types who have a particular sensitivity to the vibrational frequencies which make up musical notes. So is this where my intuition for reading Tarot comes from? I honestly don't know. I just know that the things I see in the Tarot appear to me with great clarity. 

Tarot is a reflection of what's going on inside of you - it's like holding up a mirror to your soul. The cards you pull out of the deck during a reading reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings. By opening yourself up to things which are deep within you, you can better understand why you feel the way you do about situations in your life and, just as importantly, be better positioned to make more informed decisions about how to tackle these situations.

To any sceptics reading this, I would just say that I fully understand your scepticism, honestly I do. Hey, I was a sceptic myself once. I know that Tarot has gotten quite a bad reputation in the last 100 years and is often ridiculed as being nothing more than cheap end-of-the-pier seaside entertainment. Sadly, this stereotype has done much to damage Tarot.

To me, Tarot is nothing like that. 

Rather than Tarot cards predicting your future, I see them more as an indication of where you're heading. OK, I know that probably sounds like the same thing, but it's not. Predicting the future (ie fortune telling) suggests that the future is somehow set in stone and can't be changed. I don't believe that at all. I believe your future is NOT set in stone and you can change what happens tomorrow by making different choices and decisions here and now today. The future is NOT set in stone, it can be changed by your own free will and actions. 

For example, if a Tarot reading reveals that you're currently on the wrong path regarding a situation in your life and things are not heading in a good direction, you have an opportunity, via Tarot, to see it, recognise it, understand it, and change it. That's got to be good.

Tarot can give us a deeper understanding of situations and help us become more aware of what's happening in our personal life, family life, work, business, financial, friendships etc. It can help us to look at situations and deal with them with much more clarity.

And it's also fun! If Tarot wasn't enjoyable, informative, helpful, and rewarding to the people I read for, I wouldn't do it. 

So I say give Tarot a try if you've never experienced it before. Just keep an open mind and don't be put off by all those strange, weird, and spooky looking pictures you see on the Tarot cards, at the end of the day they're just little pictures on pieces of plastic so please don't be intimidated by them. No proper Tarot reader will ever tell you when you're going to die or tell you that you're cursed or anything silly like that, so you can forget about all that stupid nonsense. What I will tell you though is what situations I see going on within you and around you and help guide you to consider the options available to you to improve those situations.

Get yourself a Tarot reading. You might just be amazed!
